Partner of the French nuclear protection
industry players.
Operating in environment, health and civil protection areas, Carmelec offers a hand-held meters range (Alpha, Beta, Gamma and X), beacon solutions, customizable signage and accessories to meet your needs in terms of inspection and security of people.

Dolphy Evolution
A compact survey meter to ensure your safety

Magnetic Field Analyzer
Carmelec is one of the French leaders in
devices intended to check the inspection
conditions for Non Destructive Testing.
Active for more than 30 years in non-destructive testing applications, we design devices for the verification of the inspection conditions by magnetic particle testing, penetrant testing, gamma radiography and auscultation of engineering structures (hydraulic dams, buildings sensitive to seismic movements).
In order to guarantee the complete satisfaction of our customers, Carmelec makes the commitment to be
present at every phase of the product life cycle.
We ensure the calibration and the inspection of our radiation protection and NDT devices. We also propose our expertise to verify those of our colleagues. Our services are COFRAC linked. Our team and equipment are at your disposal to offer timely quality service.

Timely quality service.

Timely quality service.
Carmelec makes the commitment, through its
quality approach, to be present at every phase
of the product life cycle.
With a team of specialists, we set up solutions adapted to the operational needs of our customers.
Regulatory compliance ISO 9001 ensures the quality of our work.