Magnetic field
Magnetic field
We ensure calibration and inspection of our radiation protection and non-destructive testing devices. We also propose our expertise to verify many of our competitors’ devices.Our services are linked to national standards. Our team and equipment are at your disposal to offer timely quality service.
Carmelec has its own irradiator containing a high activity Cs-137 source. We also have several other alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray standard sources with lower activity. These sources allow us to calibrate our dose rate meters and contamination survey meters as well as those of our competitors.
Carmelec has measurement benches for the adjustment and calibration of our devices in visible light and UV-A (365 nm). We also propose our expertise for calibration and verification of our competitors’ devices. Our measurement benches have been developed to meet lighting control needs in magnetic particle inspection and penetrant testing.
Visible connection range: 0 to 6000 lux
UV-A connection range: 0 to 20000 μW / cm²
Carmelec has a magnetic field generator enabling us to adjust and calibrate our devices and calibrate those of our competitors. Our measurement bench has been developed to meet the needs of magnetic particle inspection.
Direct field: ± 45 kA / m
Peak alternating field (50 Hz): 0 to 25 kA / m
Effective alternating field (50 Hz): 0 to 20 kA / m
Peak half-wave rectified field (50 Hz): ± 25 kA / m
Efficient half-wave rectified field (50 Hz): ± 10 kA / m
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A converter is available to enable the conversion between your units:
A converter is available to enable the conversion between your units: