Radio Radiation Meter for team supervision

This device is intended for measuring the gamma dose equivalent rate. It is specially suitable for interventions with high dosimetric risk and/or for the recording of radiological events. In addition to its radiation meter function, the Neo is able to transmit its measurements by radio. It can also display the measurements of other nearby Neos.

Detection Characteristics
Detector: Energy compensated Geiger Müller from 33 keV to 1.25 MeV
Unit: mSv/h
Reference source: Cs 137
Sensitivity: 0.7 cps / μSv/h for the Cs 137
Display range:
Ambient dose equivalent rate: from 0.001 mSv/h to 160.00 mSv/h
Ambient dose equivalent: from 0.0001 mSv to 99 999 mSv
Effective measurement range: from 0.01 mSv/h to 160 mSv/h
Response time: < 2 s during a significant variation

Alarm Characteristics
Audible: 85dbA at 30cm
Mechanical: Buzzer
Visual: flashing LED

Radio Transmission Characteristics
Transmission frequency: 433.92 MHz
Transmission power: 10 mW maximum
Open air range: 400 m with the antenna deployed

Mechanical and Environmental Characteristics
Dimensions: 120 x 65 x 22 mm
Weight: 180 g with battery
IP code: IP54

Electrical Characteristics
Power supply: 9 V battery
Battery life: up to 20 hours